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Freelance Creative Copywriter

Words have inspired me since the days of Snap, Crackle and Pop.  Punchy messages that entertained my breakfast and jumped from box to bowl. Tone of voice was a fascination that soon became a career specialism. I’m a freelance creative copywriter and it’s my job to inject your tone of voice with every word to sell your products, promote your services and add a little bite.

From well-known brands to small start-ups, across print, web, TV and radio – I craft clear, engaging and effective copy that’s tailored for your business and targeted for your customers. Whether you need a punchy press release to get you noticed, an ad campaign to push your product or direct mail to win you new business, I’m here to make every word count.

Cat Copy Creatibe Freelance Creative Copywriter


Enticing subject lines that engage your customers and start a conversation across emails, web pages, blogs, tweets and podcasts. I’ll make your content social and sharable.

Copywriter for printed media Cat Copy Creative Freelance Creative Copywriter


Make an impact. Copy that makes your customers open the envelope, turn the page and fill their trolley. Across DM, press ads, Point of Sale, newsletters, magazines, brochures, leaflets and posters.

Create the tone of voice for your brand

Tone of Voice

Want to stand out? I’ll find your unique brand voice and make it heard.

Words that work - for you.
Say Hey, Hi, Hello.
I'd Love To Hear From You.
The last word

It may be the last word but it’s one you won’t forget. We all have words that make us squirm. But we also have some that we grow quite fond of. That we should celebrate and shout from the rafters. So this little space is dedicated to the words I think are wonderful…
their name in lights for a month of fame:


Gongoozling. The act of watching boats along the canal for pleasure.   

What’s better on a summer’s day than to sit gongoozling in the sunshine? See you there.

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